Shout Box History |
Arney5: summer time.  13-09-2015 8:53:pm |
Widow: So where the heck is everybody!? I finally got my sound fixed and not one person on the server! 13-09-2015 8:40:pm |
Arney5: hello sweetie. 13-09-2015 8:07:pm |
Widow: Hey everybody! 13-09-2015 5:24:pm |
 | neropl: Sorry for web been down but my ISP was playing with my IP's 27-07-2015 8:02:am |
 | capncaveman: hi caleb welcome to the website! 25-06-2015 10:42:pm |
calebv67: hey 25-06-2015 10:07:pm |
 | neropl: Capn I think he corrupted this server with his donations and server put him in first place 23-06-2015 2:31:pm |
Arney5: yes way,cap  22-06-2015 9:38:pm |
 | capncaveman: lol no way nero  22-06-2015 1:01:pm |
 | neropl: wake up Capn this happen more than year ago lol 22-06-2015 12:52:pm |
 | capncaveman: holy **** arney over took nero as top player on the server! 19-06-2015 6:19:am |
BikeHelmet: can someone voice me on ET? 20-05-2015 8:01:pm |
BikeHelmet: hi 20-05-2015 8:00:pm |
ottyhall03: hey ppl how r ya 15-05-2015 5:16:pm |
ottyhall03: hey how goes it ev one  16-04-2015 4:13:am |
philipjfry: yikes im scared lol  02-04-2015 10:43:pm |
DeViouS: Like seeing a ghost isn't it? 28-03-2015 11:04:pm |
Rudolf: Do i see the legend devious oh my god 21-03-2015 8:02:pm |
Rudolf: =) 21-03-2015 8:01:pm |
DeViouS: Boo! 04-03-2015 3:12:pm |
mattopia: hey, I'm not dead, just no PC, this shout from my phone 23-02-2015 6:37:pm |
Widow: Ok, i'll be on tonight for sure! 07-02-2015 7:32:pm |
Arney5: waiting on you deary  07-02-2015 6:48:pm |
Widow: Hey hey fellas! Whats up? 07-02-2015 4:54:pm |
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