Shout Box History |
 | Racer18: Hi Guys, hope all is well 29-11-2019 7:39:am |
 | neropl: hey Rambo I was just thinking about you few days ago if I see you ever again on server lol 22-11-2019 7:41:pm |
philipjfry: hey rambo 22-11-2019 5:45:pm |
 | rambozo37: sup Nero! and everyone  22-11-2019 12:03:am |
 | capncaveman: cant get on 20-10-2019 9:37:am |
philipjfry: hey rudolf 05-08-2019 11:07:pm |
Rudolf: hello everyone 02-08-2019 2:05:am |
philipjfry: thanks nero 04-06-2019 8:32:pm |
philipjfry: spoooooooookie where is ev1 10-05-2019 9:15:pm |
 | neropl: Don't talk to him just make him an offer he can't refuse 24-08-2018 8:22:am |
WP_OnE_MaN_ArMy: ive been trying to talk him into it nero 04-08-2018 1:55:pm |
Maka: Hey Nero! Yeah I'll have to get on sometime. I don't really have a Windows computer anymore, but I'll try the Mac client out at some point and see how it goes. 04-08-2018 12:33:pm |
 | neropl: Maka I think you also should come play sometimes I missed all old players from WP and FS 31-07-2018 5:42:pm |
 | neropl: OneManArmy visited our server last night who knew him before will be happy that he's still around and playing and visit us again soon. He is that type of player every admin want to have on their server as player and a friend. 31-07-2018 5:40:pm |
Maka: Oh snap 30-07-2018 10:13:pm |
philipjfry: ac eletric wrecked my internet tv this morning wont be on till friday i hope  26-06-2018 9:05:pm |
philipjfry: yes it is 30-05-2018 11:03:pm |
 | neropl: it's fixed now 27-05-2018 3:02:pm |
 | neropl: it's fixed now 27-05-2018 3:01:pm |
philipjfry: as in !listplayers 25-05-2018 9:37:pm |
philipjfry: server has weird issue nero it stuck cant listplayers 25-05-2018 9:36:pm |
philipjfry: hi ram 18-02-2018 8:21:pm |
 | rambozo37: hi!  18-02-2018 5:37:pm |
 | neropl: I can login back again so try and see yourself 17-12-2017 8:03:pm |
 | neropl: me too I thought you did something 17-12-2017 7:42:pm |
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